After the term "febrile seizure" came into our vocabulary, fever management became serious business in our house. A temp of 100 earned Motrin ASAP. We found that worked best for Arthur.
We had one more trip to the ER for a less dramatic seizure. But for the most part our crazy temperature control seemed to be working plus those ear tubes sure helped :).
As many parents know, ear tubes fall out. He had lost one but had been healthy so it wasn't a huge worry.
So with family in town off to Disneyland we went. Of course that morning he seemed like a cold may be coming but was so excited for his big day.
For the most part, it was a great day. He got to meet his all time favorite Woody!
Life is ever changing and flips on a dime. As we found out waiting in line for the submarine.
I was holding him and he rested his head on my shoulder. He was only 3yrs old at the time. All that walking would tire any of us out.
But as we were in a line a lady behind me said, " Is he OK?"
Here I think he's asleep.
So I pull him away from my chest as to lean him back and he's a rag doll. Face blue, eyes rolled in the back of his head.
Back then I didn't think seizure. I think my heart child is in cardiac arrest. So as if in a Lifetime Movie
( always have to find the humor) I ran with my limp, little boy in my arms, screaming
" Some body help me!!!"
You know what played in my head? Clocks by Cold Play
Probably too much Third Watch at the time
My whole life could have a soundtrack, my children are no exception
I make it to one of the walkways and just like in a movie this guy appears.
I still think it's one of Arthur's many guardian angles.
He stops me and says he is there to help. To just lay Arthur down on the walkway so he can look at him. I explain about the ear infections and febrile seizures, etc. He points out that Arthur is breathing, he feels warm. He bets it was just a febrile seizure.
Then the Disneyland nurses appear and that guy is gone.
Just like that.
Arthur is taken away from Disneyland in an ambulance. Not exactly how you want to exit the park.
The story I hear from family is Disney wasted no time swooping in to calm my 3yr old niece who was with us when this happened. Who's her favorite character? Food? And like ninja magic, toys and balloons appeared for her.
Disneyland handled this whole incident amazingly well.
I'm forever grateful.
We went to the ER and he got some whopping doses of Tylenol. He did indeed have a fever and another ear infection. Sheesh! He got his second set of ear tubes after that.
There was one thing they did mention in the ER that day....
That children who have febrile seizures have a higher risk of developing epilepsy later on.
It wasn't until a day at the soccer field, some 7yrs later, did those words come back into my mind.
(Arthur that day at Disneyland before "it" happened)