Friday, May 6, 2011

Doctor # 3

Excuse the timeline a bit. I'm doing my best to type this by memory.

I believe it was right before school ended we started with Doc#3.
He increased the Trileptal a bit and said towards the end of the summer we could restart
the Concerta.

Arthur has been asking if he could get that "focusing medicine back."
He was thrilled to know he could before starting middle school.

Doctor #3 was through, kind and always on top of it.

We did more EEGs.

I loved that I could call him anytime of the day or night.

Let me tell you....over that summer. I did, a lot!

I still had my reservations about him.
Still.....not one person could say if this was gona be a lifetime battle.
Or would he grow out of it?
There are many types that can be linked to puberty and go away with age

On a happy note. Arthur's cardiologist visit that June was excellent.
No changes. No needs for concern at this time.