Friday, June 24, 2011

The Mystery Box. Grand Mal #1

Up till now the seizure's were strange but not grandiose if that makes sense.
Little did we know how life was about to change.

My husband and kids were packing up to go on a family camping trip for the next day. 

It was around 9pm, my little girl was already asleep.
Arthur was sitting on the floor in the living, leaning against the couch, playing video games.
Out of no where, I hear my husband scream for me.

I run to the living room to find Arthur, barely responsive with his flopped back on the couch.
He was stiff but not convulsing. It took both of us to get him up on the couch.

We kept screaming his name.

 I noticed his teeth were clenched and his eyes and lips were twitching.
I thought " Oh God I bet it's a seizure."
I slapped him a couple times to come too and he barely flinched.
This was so new... I screamed " Call 911!"

Lucky for us the Fire Dept was literally down the street from us. So they were there in less then 5min.

We use humor with a lot of things and why should this time be any different?

Around this time Arthur was very into a video game, I believe it was Call of Duty.
There is a box you look for apparently. To help you in the game.
It's called " the mystery box."
Well the paramedics/FD show up and come through the door with all their gear.
Arthur is still in and out of it.

What do paramedics bring with them? A medical supply box.
Arthur looks over and notices the paramedics box( still in a post-ictal trance)
and asks, "Is that a mystery box?"

Of course his Father, the paramedics, and I start cracking up.
You have to be able to laugh sometimes, even during the worst of times.

The paramedics agreed it was a seizure and since it was presenting in a new way, off to the ER
we went.
Part of me knew there was nothing the ER could do. But it's better to be safe than sorry. He slept it off in the ER, after a MRI and blood tests.
That was his first Grand mal seizure.

The world of epilepsy is an unforgiving place,
a place where the "beast" takes control
his merciless nature reeks havoc.

That night, the "beast," took control.