Saturday, August 27, 2011

Enough is Enough!!! Bring on the Keppra

Arthur had one more Grand Mal Seizure at home after that wild week.

 I called and called until his neurologist called me from his vacation.
If you don't have a back up, then it's your own fault
if your vacations get interrupted.

I told him I wanted Arthur admitted to the hospital. Enough is enough.
The nurse in me was in high gear
No more medication dance with  Mrs.Trileptal and  Mr.Lamictal.

What I had really wanted was Isaak to be put in the hospital for a 24hr EEG. So we could hopefully catch this beast and see how best we could control him.

 I thought that was what we were doing, as well as loading Isaak with Keppra.
The heavy hitter.

Arthur was admitted. Hooked up to the video EEG and whamo! Loaded with Keppra.

Well wouldn't you know....his EEG showed no activity.

Well I would sure as heck hope not!! Ya just loaded him with a HUGE dose of Keppra.

I swear....sometimes I wanna knock these doctors out.

He was sent home on too much and we had an drunken sailor who couldn't sleep.


We quickly got his dose lowered and all seemed ok.
 He even got to start taking his Concerta ( for ADD) again before school started.

Maybe it would get better?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday! Here's a Grand mal for your birthday( #4)

We had a trip to the river planned for Arthur's birthday. The house was all decorated the night before, so to celebrate in the morning.
( Not Arthur, but you get the idea)

This is the tradition in our house.
We woke him up. He had had a good nights sleep.
He lit up when he saw the decorations and came outside to say good morning to everyone as we were packing the car.
I turned around for a second and Bam!

 He was down on the ground......Happy Birthday here's a Grand Mal.
When he would have his Grand Mals, he just checked out. Became stiff as a board and fell to the ground.
Face would turn blue, as he would be barely breathing.
We would talk him through it and after what seemed like an eternity he would start to breathe.
Like always he would need to sleep for a while.

I don't know if it's considered an upside, but he never had any recollection of these events. He still doesn't. It's as if time stands still for him.

"Did I have a seizure?"

In the next 5days he had TWO more Grand mals.

Let me tell you, the river is not the place you want to be during all this.

I made several phone calls to the neurologist. He upped his dose, don't wean his dose, don't give this...blah  blah blah.

All we knew was.........

It was getting worse.

As a family we could barely function.

 Even my 6yr old was always acutely aware of where her big brother was, in fear for him. It was the worst of times thus far.

For Arthur no doubt.

Set the seizures aside, the kid couldn't fart without one of us yelling, " Arthur?"
" I'm FINE!!!," he would yell.

To this day.....when we hear a loud bang or it's just too quiet. You can almost see the
hairs on our arms stand up. And as if Arthur can sense it, he will holler out, " I'm ok."
God love him