The next couple of months was a constant battle of when the next one would hit and how much his Keppra would be increased.
It seemed to level out in his body every two weeks and like clockwork he would have another seizure.
Each time the seizure got more muted.
The Grand Mals had ceased
Thank God!
Now began the "Complex Partial" seizures.
Wandering....usually he would say he needed to go home.
If he could talk at all.
If he could talk at all.
Usually he was muted, as if his teeth were clenched.
Each seizure was a little different.
Finally he made it 30days!!!!!
My husband and I even went away for the weekend.
My husband and I even went away for the weekend.
We SO needed that.
As many know, epilepsy is sneaky. His break was short lived.