Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Doctor #4

I wont lie and say I was thrilled with Doc #3.

So when we had to change
doctors cause of insurance, I wasn't heart broken.

Doc#4 was a lovely gal.

She was truly on top of things and worked closely with all specialties.
Her and Arthur's cardiologist worked on the same floor.

I could even email them my concerns! That was beyond wonderful

I told her he still had 2-3seizures a month. She said that was too much.

His Keppra was increased and he also had to wear an cardiac
event monitor to make sure there was not a link between his heart and the seizures.
With the type of surgery he had, there is that possibility.

It took FOUR doctors to think of that???

We were able to record his cardiac rhythm during a seizure and luckily it showed there was no link.
I guess that's good.

On New Years, Arthur's wandering took on a whole new meaning.

Out of the blue we found the front door open, and Arthur
  half way down the street, totally confused.

Muted and unable to speak

What kind of messed up medical condition causes crap like that?

Oh yeah, epilepsy.