Friday, August 3, 2012

Your always on ALERT!

We have been at our new home about a month now. So far, we just love it.
We are all getting settled in and the kids start school
next week!!!
In the state we are now in they start in August.
The kids are not as excited since they just got out of school the
end of June. Such is life!

Why I titled this post " Your always on ALERT," is because
of what I experienced today.
Let me start by saying Arthur is 3 MONTHS seizure free TODAY!!
As wonderful as that is it doesn't remove the fear that I feel always lurks
in my heart.

I was at the gym riding the bike. The bikes at our gym face a window that overlooks
the indoor and outdoor pool.
So I am "riding" along and I notice in the outdoor pool someone is floating face down.
Another minute or two passes and the person is still floating like that.
But I take notice to the fact that this person appears stiff like a board.
Arms straight above the head, legs straight out.
I see the lifeguard running into the water to this person.
My heart sank
What did I immediately think? Yup.
Maybe this person is having a seizure. It sure looked like it. What if
these  pool lifeguards don't recognize that?
So what did I do?
I stopped, gather my things and quickly walked all the way down and out
to the outside pool.
My heart is racing. Maybe I can help.

As I walk up this person is on the ground with several life guards around. They are
about to start CPR. That's when I noticed it. They are counting out loud like they
are doing chest compressions but they are not actually pushing on the chest.



I'm glad they train their life guards well. But I could have done without the heart attack.
It wasn't even someone I knew. It wasn't even real.
But it effected me for a while after. Kind of  choked me up.

Arthur is doing well right now. Very well. But the memories of the bad times never
go away. The fear, the uncertainty of epilepsy. It never leaves us.
It resurfaces on days like today.

My heart is with each and everyone one of you out there.

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