Since we had complaints of chest pain.
I had to speak with the cardiologist
sooner then planned
He told me they were very impressed with the
results of his stress test and Holter.
After that, I was actually looking forward to the
appointment with the cardiologist
Arthur and our family deal with a lot
lots of appointments
lots of doctors
lots of medications
lots of worries
I can't even explain how nice it is to get good news.
We had the follow-up appointment with his
Dr. Alkon
He told us he would have been happy with the results
if Arthur had a normal heart.
That children at this point, 13yrs post surgery, are not
usually doing this well.
He is amazed with how well his heart is functioning
Can you just imagine me jumping up and down?!
So Arthur has no restrictions, well besides contact sports.
The cardiologist said he actually needs more
daily exercise.
No problem DOC!!!
Who knows what the future will bring heart wise.
But as for today.......
We are very thankful
Thank you to Dr. Vaughn Starnes:
Your expertise in pediatric cardiac surgery saved our son's life
and continues to impress cardiologist's yearly
Thank you to the CTICU staff and everyone at
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles
We are forever indebted to you