Monday, February 11, 2013

Heart week....We need to Talk

As I posted previously February 7-14th is congenital heart disease awareness week.
Arthur was born with a heart defect.
So of course it's a big deal in our house
as is
Epilepsy awareness

The powers that be have made this one hell of a week.

The 7th brought:
the cardiac stress test and a 24hour Holter.

The 8th:
The second half of the Holter 
the horrid RASH

The 9th:
Chest pain
(the first time in years)
with neck and back pain

The 10th:
a reprieve

Now I bring you to the 11th:
As I am walking in to the cardiologist to return
the Holter monitor....
Arthur's school is calling
"Mrs.B, Arthur is in the office with chest pain."

Seriously? Again?
What the heck Heart Week??

After getting Arthur from school and speaking to the
We got an appointment with the pediatrician
it was that or a trip to the ER
Ummmm....No Thanks!

So they are thinking it is inflammation of the chest wall.
His Chest Xray was normal, his exam was
So he gets Motrin every 8hrs and
if the pain doesn't improve?

Back to the Doctor we go

So Heart Week.....we are always huge supporters
But enough is enough

Next year....just send me a pamphlet

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